Author Guidelines
Without exception, all manuscripts must scrupulously respect the APA 2020 Standards and the following specific instructions from the Revista de Investigaciones Altoandinas - Journal of High Andean Research.
- Title of the article: It is written in Spanish and English in an average of 15 words, it should be attractive, innovative, precise, clear and express the content of the writing; do not use commercial names or abbreviations, as they could have different meanings in different fields. For example, “Ca” for calcium could be confused with “CA”, which means cancer.
- Author(s) and affiliation: The full name(s) of each author, institutional affiliation, including city and country, should be provided (in the case of universities, provide the academic department, faculty, university, city and country). The entry must be expressed in super index, numbered consecutively and with an asterisk for the author of correspondence (email). It is necessary to detail the contribution of each author, taking as an example the definition given because it defines four criteria for authorship. Therefore, you are an author if: “1) Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND 2) Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND 3) Final approval of the version to be published; AND 4) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved”. (ICMJE, Defining the role of author and contributors). The ORCID number of each author must be provided (to register:
- Abstract: It must be written in Spanish and English, it must be punctual and written in the past tense and it must be one paragraph (maximum 250 words), since it refers to a work already done. It must include an introduction, materials and methods, results and conclusions of original contribution and usefulness of the research (IMRAD). Do not write in acronyms and abbreviations, do not cite references or present any information or conclusion that does not appear in the article.
- Keywords: They must be written in Spanish and English, and there must be a maximum of five. They should appear at the end of the abstract paragraph and preferably not coincide with the title. Keywords must be included in the UNESCO Thesaurus.
- Introduction (What is the problem being studied and why was it studied?): Research should be introduced by describing the problem/opportunity and justification, outlining the background addressed in the most recent scientific literature (citing budgets, conceptions and contributions). In each case, the background addressed should be explicit in the contributions of the authors in contributing to fill the existing gap that the article wants to contribute to fill. The section explaining the importance and objectives of the manuscript should be contributed.
- Materials and methods (How and with what materials was the study conducted?): Methodological procedures should be described concisely, i.e., approach, population, sample size, type of sampling, data collection instruments, and statistical processing and analysis techniques. If the study concerns the environmental relationship with medicinal plants, the collection and botanical identification procedures should be described. The drugs and chemical compounds used should be identified with their generic names, their doses and routes of administration citing the corresponding scientific literature. If the study involved human beings or experimental animals, it is necessary to mention that the ethical standards required internationally were met. For studies in humans, the institutional Ethics Committee that approved the protocol should be identified. In this case, it is necessary to attach the evidence of approval of the Ethics Committee and of the informed consent of the study to be published.
- Results (What was found in the research?): Based on the findings of the objectives, it should be described in tables, figures and statistical analysis (if applicable). Based on the objectives, if applicable, titles and subtitles of the transcendental aspects should be included, without including opinions or subjective interpretations, avoiding repeating the information presented in the text
- Results (What was found in the research?): Based on the findings of the objectives, it should be described in tables, figures and statistical analysis (if applicable). Based on the objectives, if applicable, titles and subtitles of the transcendental aspects should be provided, without including opinions or subjective interpretations, avoiding repeating the information presented in the text with the detail of tables or figures.
- Discussion (What does the finding mean?): Based on the findings and evidence of the study, these should be explained, commented on and compared by discussing the results of the research with other previous knowledge, in addition to the strengths and limitations, addressed on the formulated problem and its contribution resolution. We seek to defend the validity and reliability of the study based on its objectives. All the arguments described should be supported by scientific literature (preferably from the last three yearConclusions (What is the position of the researcher with respect to the original finding or contribution of the subject under investigation?) This is the summary of the discussion presented by the author(s) of the original contribution, according to the objectives of the problem. It should be explicit and highlight the originality of the contribution.
- Acknowledgements (optional): To the people and institutions that supported the research. The origin of the funding received must be specified.
- Bibliographic references: References must be strictly related to the subject of the research to support the proposals of the manuscript (preferably from the last three years), in high impact indexed journals. You should only include those works that have been cited in the text of your research. References must include the DOIs or websites (link) at all points. We suggest using Mendeley, Zotero or EndNote as a bibliographical reference manager. It should be guaranteed that, of the total number of citations referenced, at least 65% correspond to the last 5 years.
- Tables and figures: Tables and figures must be numbered consecutively as established in the APA style, inserted in the corresponding place in the text, and in an editable format (for photos, preferably *.jpg and/or *.tiff formats, minimum resolution of 300 dpi; for diagrams and/or maps, preferably *.pdf, *.cdr, *.ai, *xls formats). The maximum actual size is 12x18 cms, including table header and/or figure footer (in case of experimental designs, attach the original processing data and processed in Excel). Each one will be presented in a separate document (Table 1, Table 2... or Figure 1, Figure 2...), and must be sent without passwords or access codes that prevent the final edition. The units of measurement must be expressed according to the International System of Units. It is necessary to use the period (“.”) as a decimal separator, only in the case the manuscript is written entirely in Spanish is the comma (“,”) used as a decimal separator.