Vol. 20 No. 3 (2018)
Original articles

Acceptability of silage from brown seaweed (lessonia trabeculata) by the red abalone (haliotis rufescens) in experimental conditions

Sheda Méndez Ancca
National University of Moquegua - Moquegua Peru
Saly R. Chagua Zapata
National University of Moquegua - Moquegua Peru
Luis F. Morales Araníbar
National University of Moquegua - Moquegua Peru
Chili Layme Chili Layme
National University of Moquegua - Moquegua Peru
Luis Ernesto Ilasaca
National University of Moquegua - Moquegua Peru
Edwin Morales Huayhua
National University of Moquegua - Moquegua Peru
Felipe S. Amachi Fernández
National University of the Altiplano Puno Peru

Published 2018-07-27


  • silage algal,
  • drying,
  • food science,
  • biomass

How to Cite

Méndez Ancca, S. ., Chagua Zapata, S. R. ., Morales Araníbar, L. F. ., Chili Layme, C. L., Ernesto Ilasaca, L. ., Morales Huayhua, E. ., & Amachi Fernández, F. S. . (2018). Acceptability of silage from brown seaweed (lessonia trabeculata) by the red abalone (haliotis rufescens) in experimental conditions. Revista De Investigaciones Altoandinas - Journal of High Andean Research, 20(3), 281-288. https://doi.org/10.18271/ria.2018.392


The nutritional value during the preparation and conservation of the silage is still of great interest for human and animal consumption. The objective of the study was to demonstrate if the Red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) consumes the silage of Brown seaweed (Lessonia trabeculata) under experimental conditions, on the Morro Sama-Tacna FONDEPES aquaculture Centre, during the years 2017 and 2018. We experimented with the control group (fresh seaweed) and two types of silage, treatments: T1 (silage 0% on dry basis) and T2 (silage 35% on dry basis) for 62 days; determining the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and energy in the fresh seaweed, no statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) were observed between the treatments, except for the fat content. Treatments, food acceptance was observed during 10 days and food consumption, sizes and weights were estimated with statistically similar. It was concluded that the abalone eat silage and the highest percentages of bromatological composition corresponded to T2, its consumption to gain weight and height of Haliotis rufescens where probably these variables increase when there is a higher percentage of silage based on dry matter or more days of consumption. Microbiological analysis showed that the silages are suitable for the consumption of the species.   


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