Effect of the slope of the terrain and tertiary pipes in the uniformity of irrigation, humid bulb and pear crop yield (Pisum sativum) Edgar Condori Valverde 5-15 pdf (Spanish)
Implications of the management of a dry pasture cultivated in response to fertilization Nicaela Terroba, Enrique Flores M., Edwin Cañazaca 16-23 pdf (Spanish)
Evaluation of composting a different compositions to take advantage of organic waste domestic puno city as a measure to contribute in counter climate change Yury Hamilton Huapaya Cruz 24-35 pdf (Spanish)
In vitro antimicrobial effect of essential oil of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus labill) and muña (Minthostachys mollis) Jhon Laura-Ticona, Alex Danny Chambi-Rodriguez, Joel Jerson Coaquira-Quispe 36-45 pdf (Spanish)
Water stress in commercial potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars in the central region of Peru Emmanuel Perez, Robert Richard Rafael Rutte, Gustavo Osorio 46-55 pdf (Spanish)
Pollution and biodiversity loss due to mining and agricultural activities: state of art Oscar Junior Paredes-Vilca, Luis Jiménez Diaz, José Dávila García, Jorge Apaza Cruz 56-66 pdf (Spanish)