Published 2024-11-30
- social marketing,
- healthy eating,
- nutritional education,
- Transtheoretical Model,
- Strategic Design
Copyright (c) 2024 Isabel Enma Guerra Torres , Jazmín Isabel García Guerra, María de los Angeles Rodríguez – Cevallos, María José Andrade Albán
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Social marketing begins as an alternative to solving social problems, its purpose is to generate changes in consumer behavior towards healthy lifestyles through the dissemination of cultural, educational and health activities. The present study addresses those aspects related to social marketing as an instrument to promote healthy eating and nutrition in which the plan is presented, determining its 6 components: analysis of the situation, segmentation of the target audience, behavior to change, design of strategies for change, messages and dissemination strategies, monitoring and evaluation; that through its theoretical guidelines the correlation of the contents for the proposal was made. The strategies of social marketing tools adapted to the objective of the proposed model were developed based on the Transtheoretic Model, Models of beliefs in health, Theory of the 7 doors and the Marketing of the 4Ps, bases of the theoretical explanation for the expected application. Finally, the conceptual strategic design in nutritional education focused on key messages of healthy eating and nutrition was proposed based on 4 analysis parameters: conceptual definition, category, indicator, techniques and instrument, which allowed to consolidate the orientation of the proposed social marketing instrument.
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