Farewell of the editor of the Journal of High Andean Research Fortunato Escobar-Mamani 71-74 pdf (Spanish)
Protein digestibility of Pajuro (Erythrina edulis Triana) seeds subjected to traditional cooking VICTOR DANIEL DELGADO SORIANO, Cortés-Avendaño Cortés-Avendaño, Américo Guevara-Pérez, Carlos Vílchez-Perales 75-83 pdf (Spanish)
Use of sensors for mathematical modeling during the roasting of cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao) of the Chuncho variety Augusto Pumacahua Ramos, Angie Sharon Vega-Loaiza, Rosibeth Gonzales-Sánchez, Paco Wilson Marconi-Quispe, Hilka Mariela Carrión-Sánchez 84-93 pdf (Spanish)
(Effect of the inclusion of whole wheat quinoa and amaranth flour in squid nuggets) KARINA PALOMINO MANCILLA, Tito Eduardo Lerena Daza, Ritva Repo-Carrasco-Valencia 94-100 pdf (Spanish)
Morphological traits of native species with potential for High Andean agroecological processes - Nariño, Colombia PEDRO PABLO BACCA ACOSTA, Diana Lucía Burbano Martínez , Santiago David Córdoba Portilla , Diana Lizeth López Salcedo, Diego Andres Muñoz Guerrero 101-110 pdf (Spanish)
Response of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) to Bacillus licheniformis inoculation and shading Lily Lorena Luna Castellanos, Diana Beatríz Sánchez López 111-121 pdf (Spanish)
Production of tubers from buds present in potato peel with fertilization of Trichoderma sp. JUAN INQUILLA MAMANI, Flores Flores, Ortiz Calcina Ortiz Calcina, Bravo Portocarrero Bravo Portocarrero 122-130 pdf (Spanish)
Level of soil contamination with arsenic and heavy metals in Tiquillaca (Peru) Benito Hugo Fernandez Ochoa, Eliana Mullisaca Contreras, Luz Elizabeth Huanchi Mamani 131-138 pdf (Spanish)
School-Mountain: dismantling power from above Franklin Américo Canaza-Choque, Jesús Wiliam Huanca-Arohuanca, Percy S. Yabar Miranda, Gabriela Cornejo-Valdivia, Domitila Mamani Jilaja, Katia Perez Argollo, Hugo Neptali Cavero-Aybar 139-148 pdf (Spanish)