Vol. 23 No. 2 (2021)
Letters to the Editor

Thesis in scientific article format by traditional thesis to increase and generate scientific production

Noe Benjamin Pampa-Quispe
Universidad Nacional de Barranca

Published 2021-04-15


  • Scientific production,
  • scientific article format thesis,
  • traditional thesis

How to Cite

Pampa-Quispe, N. B. (2021). Thesis in scientific article format by traditional thesis to increase and generate scientific production. Revista De Investigaciones Altoandinas - Journal of High Andean Research, 23(2), 115-116. https://doi.org/10.18271/ria.2021.261


Currently, Peruvian scientific production is low and therefore there is a concern in universities in how to generate university scientific production. In Peru, scientific production is a priority need in addition to being a requirement of Law 30220 that indicates the obligation to present a research work to obtain the academic degree


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