Vol. 26 No. 2 (2024)
Original articles

Valorization of Mining Waste as Aggregates for Road Construction: Circular Economy in the Andean Region of Peru

Yovana Torres Gonzales
Universidad Continental, Campus Huancayo, Av. San Carlos 1980, Urb. San Antonio, Huancayo, Junín, Perú
Raquel Gonzales Cabrera
Universidad Continental, Campus Huancayo, Av. San Carlos 1980, Urb. San Antonio, Huancayo, Junín, Perú
Isaac Abraham Cotera Nuñez
Universidad Continental, Campus Huancayo, Av. San Carlos 1980, Urb. San Antonio, Huancayo, Junín, Perú
Del Piero Raphael Arana Ruedas
Universidad Continental, Campus Huancayo, Av. San Carlos 1980, Urb. San Antonio, Huancayo, Junín, Perú

Published 2024-05-02


  • Mining,
  • Mining Liabilities,
  • Construction,
  • Circular Economy,
  • Sustainable Development

How to Cite

Torres Gonzales, Y., Gonzales Cabrera, R., Cotera Nuñez, I. A., & Arana Ruedas, D. P. R. (2024). Valorization of Mining Waste as Aggregates for Road Construction: Circular Economy in the Andean Region of Peru. Revista De Investigaciones Altoandinas - Journal of High Andean Research, 26(2), 71-78. https://doi.org/10.18271/ria.2024.605


Mining is the largest economic activity in Peru, contributing a considerable percentage of the country’s Gross Domestic Product. However, the process of this activity evidences several socio-environmental conflicts. The generation of mining waste or expressed as mining tailings from the various processes is a latent threat that affects the spheres of sustainable development. The objective of this study was to propose the valorization of mining tailings as aggregates for road construction in the Andean region of Peru under a circular economy approach. Consequently, several analyses were carried out to evaluate its viability, such as the meteorological factor of precipitation, acidity or alkalinity, elements present in the sample, granulometry, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and Marshall test. The results have shown that the proposal complies with the parameters established at the national level with a stability of 877.67 kg and a 25% utilization of mine tailings. In conclusion, the use of mine tailings as aggregates for construction is a viable proposal for road construction under a circular economy approach. Finally, the analysis of the valorization of mining waste in other elements of the construction sector is recommended to continue promoting the circular economy and sustainable development.


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